Wednesday, 29 March 2017

1st Anniversary

It seems hard to believe but we have just celebrated the 1st anniversary of Auspoint Skin Cancer and Health Clinic. And what a year it has been!

During this time there have been many challenges, but also many great accomplishments.

Firstly we have progressively upgraded the facilities of the clinic, which includes acquiring more of state-of-the-art equipment to provide our clients with the best available service. This includes Titan & Acutip from Cutera.

Another significant technological innovation has been the introduction of a patient record system. This incorporates image capture of skin lesions, which greatly increases the efficiency and effectiveness of surveillance, follow-up and recall.

Very importantly, our principal skin cancer doctor, Shirley Liu, has now been joined by Dr Jason Giacomel, who has a special interest in skin cancer medicine for over 10 years. 

Jason is a graduate of the University of Western Australia and a member of the Skin Cancer College of Australasia and the International Dermoscopy Society. He has completed postgraduate diplomas in both dermatology (Cardiff University) and skin imaging/dermoscopy (University of Graz), with distinctions. 

He also has a keen interest in clinical research in skin cancer medicine, having authored or co-authored over 30 research articles in international, peer-reviewed dermatology journals, contributed to numerous book chapters, and co-edited two books on skin cancer diagnosis. In addition, Jason tutors on the dermoscopy course for Cardiff University and has attended skin cancer conferences and workshops at both the national and international level.

Also we now have a highly experienced dermal therapist working with us, Whitney, who has special interest in medical grade skin care technology, and provides treatments such as depigmentation treatment, vascular, acne scar therapy.

 Finally, and most importantly, we have built a very strong client base, many of whom are patients that we have been seeing for many years in other clinics, and who have now found our new location. It is very gratifying to see these patients go to the trouble of finding where we are, just to receive the level and quality of the treatment that they were accustomed to, and have not easily found elsewhere. Also we are seeing that many General Practitioners have also become aware of our clinic, and are referring their patients to us for more specialised skin cancer diagnosis and treatment.

In closing, we would like to remind you that summer is the peak risk period for sun-related skin damage, and we recommend that you come to us for expert evaluation and treatment.